One-pan roast dinner for two (or one)


When we were growing up in the 60s and 70s, we always had cold meat and Branston Pickle on a Monday evening, using up the leftovers from the previous day’s Sunday roast. Everyone did – if Britain had a written constitution, this practice would probably be in it. If you’ve got a bit of yesterday’s rare fillet of beef hanging around, just asking to be slapped into a sandwich with some horseradish, that’s one thing, but stringy cold pork or lamb, with their revolting layer of chalky congealed fat, is quite another. Continue reading “One-pan roast dinner for two (or one)”

Up the towpath

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When we arrived in the UK last night, I checked the weather forecast and rather wished I hadn’t. It was a pleasant surprise then to wake up to glorious sunshine, so it was boots on and up the towpath before you could say ‘Grand Union’. Continue reading “Up the towpath”

Fishy business

IMG_0605.jpgThe highlight for us of any trip to Fethiye is a visit to the fishmarket for dinner. The system is excellent – you choose and pay for your fish from any of the fishmongers in the market, tell them how you would like it prepared and ask them to give it to the restaurant you have chosen from the many that surround the fish stalls. The restaurant will cook your fish and provide the meze, salads, breads and wine (or rakı if that’s your thing). Continue reading “Fishy business”

Breakfast of champions

IMG_0585An overnight outing to Fethiye immediately puts us into holiday mood and this week’s trip excelled. We’d been told about a museum in a village just outside Fethiye, which was displaying agricultural and other exhibits used by the Yörük nomads. More importantly, we were told the family served a splendid Turkish breakfast, using only ingredients produced on the surrounding land. Planning a walk in the afternoon, it seemed the perfect opportunity to try it out for brunch. Continue reading “Breakfast of champions”

Quick and easy Irish soda bread

IMG_0642 (600 x 450)We had friends over for breakfast yesterday morning. It was a very rainy day – cats, dogs, and everything hoofing down, so we didn’t feel remotely guilty lighting the fire in the morning. Turkish breakfast encompasses everything from a bit of cheese, honey and bread, to a full-on meze experience. We went for something in between. I made some spinach and cheese börek (pies to you and me) – more on that later – with roasted peppers and tomatoes, village cheese, fried eggs, the usual cucumber and olives, plus plenty of fresh bread and homemade jam and local  honey. Continue reading “Quick and easy Irish soda bread”

Asian ‘lobby’ rice pot

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My brother loves a ‘lobby’. The kind of thing where you just lob everything into the pan and hope for the best. Despite his enthusiasm for throwing caution to the wind, I tend to be marginally more scientific about it – I start with a recipe, pick it to pieces, keep the bits I like the look of, and change everything else. I don’t apply this principle to baking, I hasten to add – in that case, I would definitely try the recipe first, then make modifications. Continue reading “Asian ‘lobby’ rice pot”

Armenian nutmeg cake

IMG_0569 (600 x 450).jpgWe are off on yet another jaunt tomorrow, this time to the Lycian site of Cadianda, then a night in Fethiye with dinner at the fish market – more on that later. Obviously, tradition dicates that we will need cake – and plenty of it – and it’s my turn.

In my distant youth, I worked in the kitchens of a women’s hospital in Sydney and we used to pilfer this cake from the refectory to keep us awake when we were unlucky enough to be on the night shift. I had forgotten about it, but rediscovered the recipe in a long-forgotten Australian cooking magazine, which had been residing in my parents’ attic for about a hundred years. Continue reading “Armenian nutmeg cake”